Alex Lindert

Alexander Lindert, as the CEO and a key driving force behind the agency's growth, provides strategic vision, business development expertise, and leads the sales efforts to ensure revenue growth. He also oversees the company's finances, manages customer relationships through effective CRM practices, and plays a crucial role in driving the agency's financial operations.
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Show us a picture of your desk, and explain why it looks how it does.


office day


business trips and working on the go (hotel life)

Who would be your dream person to collaborate with and what would you make together?

Good question🤣
I don’t know, mostly myself. But if I work with someone, I love working with everyone. Because I can learn from everyone and like it, to adapt to their thinking and executing process.

What would your self-portrait look like?

Bad, because drawing is a skill I never tried to develop. Thankfully apps and nice people exist. Thanks Jasmin for the picture. My self-portrait🔥

a mix of things I enjoy

Complete the sentence: "People are often surprised when I tell them..."

That I was Running 24hours a hill up and down without any particular reason. The best part was the ice bath at 1am in the morning after it. 👍

after 12 hours
first round of 13

What's one piece of wisdom you would give to your younger self?

Try more and learn faster.

Because experience is the only real thing to find whatever you are looking for in life.